Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 8 Final paper

Week 8 Final paper

Q Present Your Stance and/or Findings Below are several topic ideas for your business management term paper; If you wish to do your paper on any other topics, please reach out to me for approval: • Hiring people with disabilities • Management challenges/advantages in Big box stores vs. Mom-and-pop stores • Controversies in advertising to women and children • Importance of understanding customers • Significance of putting employees first • Social responsibility for big businesses in struggling communities • Maintaining data security and responsibility • Factors of motivation • Diversity in the workforce • Should organizations go green • Understanding employees’ unique needs and wants • Understanding cultural differences of U.S. workforce. • Maintaining a workplace in a struggling city • Wages and benefits with health care reform • Non-profit organizations and taxation • Breaking through the glass ceiling • Benefits of working with public transportation when building a business • Telecommuting and online jobs • Working with freelancers vs. full-time employees • Business and philanthropy • Social responsibility and taking action • Running a paperless business • Risk management when hiring • Building a business based on a natural resource • Maintaining constancy in an international business • Organizational ethics • Empowering employees • Organizational responsibility: protecting employees and safety • Importance of understanding sexual harassment • The future of organizations and management • Impact of technology on the workforce (the good or bad) • Employing high school students • Whistleblowing and risk management • Importance of stress management • Improving ergonomics and atmosphere in the workplace • Changing family structure on workforce composition • Testing employees to find strengths and weaknesses • All other course relevant topics open for consideration and need approval; please send me a simple email with your proposal/intent on an alternate topic of your choosing at

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